Sleep apnoea – Success by regular use of the FaceFormer®?
After a regular period of use of 9 months, it was determined in the sleep laboratory that I had a considerable number of sleep interruptions at night. As a result, I was examined during one night with the CPAP mask, and the result was that I only had 5 sleep interruptions, but I also had little sleep during the examination night. Now I have been prescribed the CPAP mask, with which I am anything but happy. I am also unsure whether the mask can actually prevent possible heart attacks or strokes.
If one believes the doctor’s letter of 31.07.17, the risk is 42% lower with strict use. My question therefore, are there also authoritative and meaningful studies on the success of regular use of the FaceFormer? It is very difficult for me to find verifiable arguments in favour of the FaceFormer rather than the CPAP mask, even though I personally would prefer the FaceFormer. Why don’t the lung specialists recommend the FaceFormer as an alternative? My doctor, for example, did not know the FaceFormer at all and could not make a statement about it.
Statements that risks – of whatever kind – are reduced by CPAP use are hardly tenable.
On 31.07.2017, an article appeared at referring to a broad study of CPAP users from different countries. However, the evidence with regard to positive effects of CPAP could not be established. On the contrary, there were considerable disadvantages of CPAP therapy.
We have written a commentary on this article:
How effective is CPAP – Real help or eternal crutch therapy?
CPAP is purely a symptom treatment that requires lifelong device dependency without ever treating the cause of the disease. It creates dependence on the device (crutch) and a negative impact on natural respiratory function.
The lung doctors are mostly fixated on CPAP therapy. I assume that some of them are actually convinced of the necessity and cannot imagine anything else. For others, however, there are other reasons for recommending the method, which I do not want to discuss here. With their result of 5 dropouts, it is almost indecent to advise lifelong CPAP dependence. If you did not sleep properly during the measurement, this decision should not be made at all. The standard lower limit in Germany is at least 12 breathing stops. In other countries it is even significantly higher. If a doctor who advises you to undergo such an elaborate, expensive and purely symptomatic therapy for 5 breathing stops, I am not surprised that he was not interested in other methods.
Unlike CPAP therapy, FaceFormer therapy focuses on treating the causes of disease. Basic functional disorders that are the causes of various health problems are treated. Complex functions such as breathing, swallowing behaviour, formation of negative pressure in the mouth and throat, tongue position, etc. are corrected as they should biologically exist. If this functional circuit is correctly coordinated, the associated problems disappear in most cases. Such adjustments can only be achieved through training. No device in the world can replace this. You know this from back pain treatment. In the past, orthopaedists also advised patients to use supports, crutches and operations. Today, however, back training has become the standard of art and no one would think of questioning it. Unfortunately, the old understanding of the oral and pharyngeal cavity still prevails, and the companies certainly don’t want to change this any time soon.
I recommend that you do the FaceFormer training. Risks of stroke, heart attack and whatnot are not reduced by CPAP but by the fact that the human organ system is maintained by healthy and natural functions. The FaceFormer is only a training device and therefore a part of the therapy. Only regular practice with the FaceFormer can lead to the desired goal.
We have developed and tested the therapy for more than 20 years and countless patients have been helped by it. Today, more than ever before, we are convinced that a necessary correction cannot be achieved in any other way. Keep in mind that skills always improve through training and, if used correctly, there can never be any disadvantages.