Contributions to FACEFORMER Therapy

Countless people suffer from great difficulty breathing through their nose. Often, a crooked nasal septum is identified as the trigger, which allegedly narrows the airway. Accordingly, doctors then frequently advise surgical straightening. ...
The causes of tinnitus are usually attributed to stress or disturbances in blood circulation and lack of oxygen supply in the inner ear. Stress aggravates a condition but is never the cause. ...
Voraussetzung für die korrekte, biologische Zungenspannung und Zungenbewegung ist die koordinierte inneren und äußere Zungenmuskulatur. Sie geht einher mit komplizierten, präzisen Bewegungsmustern, wie Kauen, Schlucken, Sprechen. ...
Now available in response to many user requests - The yellow FACEFORMER ZERO. With its special properties, the new, softer FACEFORMER ZERO is particularly suitable for night-time use, for entry-level training, for children up to 10 years of ...
Nasenatmung schützt vor Krankheiten
The natural breathing through the nose ensures protection against pathogenic intruders. A large part of the attacking viruses, bacteria and other pathogens are already filtered out and rendered harmless in the nose. Mouth breathing is ...
Many people are affected by harmful mouth breathing. Very few people know how effective the nose is as a filter against dangerous pathogens. ...
For obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), positive pressure ventilation using CPAP is the standard treatment method. However, due to side effects, patient acceptance of the method varies widely. In addition, studies show that the therapy method ...
People who habitually breathe through the mouth are often plagued by allergies that affect the respiratory tract. They lack important defense functions because the filtering system of the nose remains unused. ...
Protection against pathogens - Nose breathing and mouth breathing compared
Nasal breathing naturally fulfills important tasks in the defense against pathogens. Although the protective mechanisms of the nose do not provide absolute security against viruses and other harmful invaders, the majority of attackers are ...
Mouth breathing is often, as a result of obstructed nasal breathing, a trigger and amplifier of respiratory allergies. People who frequently breathe through the mouth are particularly susceptible to infections via the airways and are more ...
The goal of the FACEFORMER therapy method is to correct the causes of a syndrome (Cranio-Cervical Dysfunction Syndrome, or CCDS for short). Disorders of the two most vital functional systems, respiration and swallowing, cause numerous ...
Pain from top to bottom is often assigned to the fashionable diagnosis CMD. However, the actual causes of the problem are often not so clear, remain unconsidered or are still unknown. But if the actual causes are neglected, they will ...
Every day we receive numerous requests for FACEFORMER Therapy. Expect explanations of the effects of the method on specific symptoms. In most cases, a comparison is made to own experiences with idopathic treatments that have been ...
We all know how good training is for us and how satisfied we are to have kept it up. So it would be so easy to do something good for us if it wasn't for the inner bastard. Because we know that, that's why we want to give you very concrete ...
Most children in affluent countries have crooked teeth, which are considered worthy of treatment. However, the usual treatments can leave consequential damage and many patients become disappointed when after many years of treatment ...
The main cause of snoring and sleep apnoea is considered to be the slackening of muscles and tissue in the mouth, throat and nose. The flaccid tissue narrows the path of the air we breathe to the lungs. If the air breathed flows through ...
Devices for positive pressure ventilation quickly conquered the cost hit list of medical technology supplies and the trend is unbroken. CPAP ventilation, BIPAP and ASV are forms of positive pressure ventilation that are considered the gold ...
Vertigo attacks may occur without any signs from one second to the other and often without visible external impact. Erronenous stimuli on the human equilibrium organ, which is associated with the inner ear and responsible for hearing, as ...
Originally, the FACEFORMER has been developed for people suffering from serious health problems, such as swallowing disorders, hearing disorders, tinnitus, facial, jaw, neck, back pain, snoring, sleep apnea or breathing difficulties. ...
In February 2011, a physician reported a striking observation. In some of his patients suffering from diabetes, while they were using FACEFORMER training, their blood glucose levels dropped noticeably within a few days. The inventor of ...
Pacifiers have an extremely negative influence on the development of the jaw and functions like breathing, eating, drinking, swallowing and more. The long lasting contact of the soother wedge with rows of teeth, tongue and palate leads to ...
The original FACEFORMER by Dr. Berndsen is the training device especially developed for FACEFORMER therapy. Regular training with the approved medical device strengthens and harmonizes muscle functions which are particularly important for ...
Tipps und Tricks für ein erfolgreiches FaceFormer-Training
Incorrect movement patterns can cause tissue slackening. With FACEFORMER therapy, you train slack tissue and slackened muscles. At the same time, correct movements are automated. If you carry out FACEFORMER training regularly, you will feel ...
Ursachen von Nackenschmerzen und Rückenschmerzen
Pain in the region of the head, shoulder, neck and back can have numerous triggers. In most cases, muscle tension, which occurs as a result of static incorrect posture and incorrect loading, is the cause of pain. With increasing age, ...
FaceFormer Therapie - Einfluss auf Diabetes?
Patients treated with FACEFORMER therapy for swallowing disorders and sleep apnea syndrome, and which were besides diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, not only showed significant improvements in their swallowing and breathing but also ...
As a neurophysiological treatment method, FACEFORMER® therapy directly counteracts the causes of snoring and sleep apnea. ...
In Parkinson's patients, FACEFORMER Training systematically stimulates vital functions and counteracts breathing, swallowing and voice problems. ...