What is the financial cost?
How high is the financial cost for the patient?
The FaceFormer is comparatively inexpensive. You can order the FaceFormer directly from the Dr. Berndsen web store. The FaceFormer can also be purchased from specialized doctors and therapists, pharmacies and other online suppliers.
Bei völlig eigenständiger Durchführung der FaceFormer Therapie, kauft der Patient lediglich den FaceFormer samt Anleitung. Hält er sich konsequent an die Anweisungen kann er damit allein sein Schnarchen behandeln. Darüberhinaus bietet das Institut für Spezielle Systemische Therapie in Unna auch eine intensive Beratung und Betreuung der Therapie an. Hier können Sie angeleitete Trainingsphasen buchen, sowohl an einzelnen Tagen während der Woche als auch kompakt am Wochenende. If the FaceFormer therapy is carried out completely independently, the patient simply buys the FaceFormer and the instructions. If they consistently follow the instructions, they can use it to treat their snoring on their own. In addition, the Institute for Special Systemic Therapy in Unna also offers intensive advice and support for the therapy. Here you can book guided training phases, both on individual days during the week and in compact sessions at the weekend.
Interested doctors, as well as other medical practitioners and therapists, can learn the therapy in seminars and become certified to carry out treatments.