Negative pressure brings jaws together. Am I doing something wrong?
I started the FaceFormer training a few days ago, but I am not sure if I am really using it correctly. The instructions say that the teeth should float. In my case, however, the moment the negative pressure is created in the oral cavity, the teeth or the upper and lower jaws are automatically brought together and therefore lie on top of each other during the entire application – not to say are “glued together” by the negative pressure. I have already made sure that my jaw is relaxed, but a certain tension also seems to happen automatically when I press my lips together. Am I doing something wrong here?
When we are not talking, chewing etc., the teeth have no contact with each other. There is always a small gap between the upper and lower teeth. Above all, during the pulling exercise, what you describe actually occurs. The negative pressure brings the jaws together, but without any pressure on the teeth. That is exactly right. Only before swallowing should you bite down very briefly with your cheek teeth in a controlled manner.
This is also a normal process, but one that is not practised by many people with dysfunctions, especially when swallowing. It has to be learned systematically through the exercises. The adjustments you perceive occur quasi automatically. You don’t even have to control them precisely to be successful.