FaceFormer® therapy – Is there any experience regarding gaping eustachian tubes?
My speech therapist suggested the “FaceFormer”. But she is worried that it will do more damage to me. I also have a gaping earmould, CMD, etc. Do you have any experience with eustachian tubes? The small part is quite expensive. A small fortune for me. It would be a pity to waste the money.
Thank you very much for the enquiry. The FaceFormer is certainly not expensive. It may look that way to the layman, but compared to other completely useless products, e.g. plastic splints, which sometimes cost €2000.00, it is very, very cheap. It is a medical product and its development is subject to more than 10 years of research.
I can only recommend that you consistently carry out the therapy with the FaceFormer. You can find extensive information about CMD in the article “Cranio-Mandibular-Dysfunction – With FaceFormer Therapy against CMD“.
Aggravation may well be felt at the beginning of the therapy because we are changing the entire system from malfunctions to biologically correct functions. This can lead to irritation. However, you must follow the therapy consistently and exactly as instructed. After about 2 to 3 weeks you will already notice improvements. These will continue to develop in an increasingly positive way. After about 6 months you will have automated the new functions and the condition will usually remain stable thereafter.
Gaping ear tube
The mechanism of the eustachian tube is very complicated and is closely connected with the functions of the soft palate, tongue, bite block and mouth closure. If the tube opens inadequately, serious ventilation problems to the middle ear occur; if it opens for too long or continuously (as in your case), complaints also arise.
Functioning ear trumpets open quickly and briefly when swallowing, yawning etc. and then close again immediately. In the case of malfunctioning, there is discomfort, inflammation and/or pain, which usually occurs intermittently and can become chronic. Typical signs of a gaping eustachian tube are autophony (echo in the ear when speaking) and a reduction in discomfort when lying down.
Unfortunately often only symptomatic treatment
The suffering of those affected varies greatly, as do the treatment methods. The latter range from physiotherapeutic measures to the injection of filling material. Silicone particles or the absorbable hyoloronic acid are used as filling material. Apart from the varying and questionable success of these methods – ranging from no or temporary minor and apparent improvements to deterioration – they are associated with considerable risks.
Irreversible health damage and chronicity are common consequences. Symptomatic treatment exacerbates the effects of the original problem and leaves the causes untouched.
I assume that you have been spared invasive measures so far!
Negative pressure
Negative pressure in the mouth and throughout the throat is an extremely important and completely natural function. It is not only needed for swallowing, but also for breathing, mouth closure and to constantly activate the tissue in the regions. If there is no negative pressure in the mouth and pharynx, considerable health problems, changes in tooth positions, pain, ventilation disorders in the middle ear, sinuses etc. will develop. In my book, which will be published next year, I will deal with this in detail.
Tension of the muscles of the face, mouth and pharynx: Incorrect tension and dysfunction of the muscles in the mouth and pharynx must be converted to biologically functioning mechanisms. Muscle tension and coordinated muscle chain function are important prerequisites for a functioning system to influence the Eustachian tube, among other things:
The opening (lumen) of the OT to the nasopharynx is closed with two mucosal protrusions. If everything functions correctly, these are opened approx. 2000 times a day, mainly depending on the act of swallowing, specifically initiated by the tongue and soft palate function. The activation serves to open and close the tube, but is also the only and absolutely necessary tissue training. If the extensive muscle chain activity is misdirected, tension and functions of the region are not sufficiently stimulated. The consequences include insufficient opening or lack of closure of the eustachian tube (gaping eustachian tube).
Our recommendation
If you want to treat your problem effectively, do the FaceFormer therapy consistently and according to the instructions.
I do not want to commit you to our method, but I know that you will not find a more effective treatment option. The closure system to your Eustachian tube needs the constant activation stimulus – incorporated into a functional mechanism – if the tube function is to improve rather than deteriorate further. This is only possible through specialised training. The FaceFormer therapy treats exactly this complex of causes.
Apply the FaceFormer therapy according to instructions.
Do not expect success overnight. The problem has developed over years, often from childhood (middle ear infections, noise sensitivity etc.) and is usually accompanied by other disorders (misaligned teeth, mouth breathing, temporomandibular joint problems, snoring, neck pain etc.). We see an underlying dysfunction for all these problems that relates to functional circuits of the mouth, throat and head balance (cranio-cervical dysfunction syndrome). FaceFormer therapy aims to correct dysfunctions of these regions and stabilise biologically correct functions. The high effectiveness has been proven in numerous scientific studies.
You will need some patience and perseverance: only continuous training can increase performance and bring about success. You will probably notice a clear improvement after 3-4 weeks. Nevertheless, persevere for 6 months. As soon as the functions of breathing, tongue posture, mouth closure, head posture are automated, you can stop training.
However, training twice a week also prevents age-related slackening of the tissues.