FaceFormer exercises are easy to perform and quickly achieve success with little effort. First results are often noticeable after only a few days. Through daily training a good development is usually to be expected after approx. 6-10 weeks. The exercises are to be carried out for a total of six months.
Be patient and stay tuned! The new patterns of movement and behaviour have to be practiced and automated until they have become flesh and blood. Finally, regular use of the FaceFormer can be dispensed with.
FaceFormer Training is effective
Continous Face Former training has an effective influence on cranial nerve function and brain performance, neurophysiological patterning, coordination, tension of tissues and muscles, functions in the mouth, throat and facial regions, body posture, body movement and sensory abilities.
Causal therapies, such as the FaceFormer therapy are not successful from one day to the next. Instead, a gradual approach to the desired goal is achieved and success is stabilized.
Corrected functions avoid continuous dependence on onerous drugs and aids. Surgery can be prevented. The Face Former therapy can bring about positive effects in just a few days or weeks. To stabilize the new posture and motion patterns the training has to be adhered to for at least 6 months. The goal is achieved and the therapy is completed when physiological movement patterns, postures and muscle tension have been automated.