My upper lip frenulum rubs against the FaceFormer®. What to do?
Applications and indications
- Against sleep apnoea FaceFormer or CPAP mask?
- Can a splint help if the bite block is not right?
- Can FaceFormer® training be done with braces and fixed brackets?
- Choking - Do you always notice it?
- Counteract swallowing disorders with FaceFormer®?
- Does FaceFormer® training improve the pronunciation of the S and other sibilants?
- Does FaceFormer® training reduce an asymmetry of the face halves?
- Does FaceFormer® Training reduce asymmetry of the face halves?
- Does FaceFormer® training strengthen the lip muscles?
- FaceFormer® application in sports
- FaceFormer® at night in addition to CPAP?
- FaceFormer® for tinnitus - How does it work?
- FaceFormer® therapy - Is there any experience regarding gaping eustachian tubes?
- FaceFormer® therapy for crossbite and headbite?
- FaceFormer® therapy for the relief of jaw complaints
- FaceFormer® Training as a cosmetic application against wrinkle development?
- How do I use FaceFormer® with a blocked nose for cold or hay fever?
- Is FaceFormer® Training useful against speech and swallowing disorders or tongue paralysis?
- Is there any research on FaceFormer® and cervical spine Eagle syndrome?
- Problem with biting open during FaceFormer training?
- Should the FaceFormer® be cut to size?
- Stärkt FaceFormer Training die Lippenmuskulatur?
- Why does facial paresis get better but tinnitus gets worse?
- Alle Beiträge anzeigen ( 8 ) Beiträge einfalten
CMD and jaws
- Can a splint help if the bite block is not right?
- Can the balance of the facial muscles be corrected by FaceFormer® therapy?
- Can the FaceFormer® be worn together with a splint?
- Does FaceFormer® Training reduce asymmetry of the face halves?
- Does the pressure from the FaceFormer® cause tooth displacement?
- FaceFormer® application together with Invisalign Retainer splints?
- FaceFormer® application with braces - Does it work?
- FaceFormer® therapy for crossbite and headbite?
- FaceFormer® therapy for the relief of jaw complaints
- What to do in case of irritation of oral mucosa or lips?
Expert information
- Are there special offers for professional customers, doctors and therapists?
- Can the FaceFormer® be used with passive patients (e.g. vegetative coma)?
- Does FaceFormer® training improve the pronunciation of the S and other sibilants?
- FaceFormer® application with braces - Does it work?
- FaceFormer® therapy - Is there any experience regarding gaping eustachian tubes?
- How can I participate in a FaceFormer® Therapy seminar?
- I would like to be included in the directory of therapists as a therapist or doctor.
- Is there any research on FaceFormer® and cervical spine Eagle syndrome?
- Muscle tension during sleep - Are all muscles flaccid?
- Should the FaceFormer® be cut to size?
- Why are methods based on neuroplasticity, such as FaceFormer® therapy, not more widespread?
- Why does facial paresis get better but tinnitus gets worse?
- Can months of use lead to material fatigue?
- Counteract swallowing disorders with FaceFormer®?
- Do I have to follow the instructions exactly when practicing?
- FaceFormer® exercise calendar is missing in the special set
- How can I find a specialist for FaceFormer® Therapy?
- How do I sterilize the FaceFormer®?
- How lasting is the success of the therapy
- I cannot play the FaceFormer® DVD on my PC
- Is the FaceFormer® available in different sizes?
- Is the FaceFormer® device customized for the user?
- What is the financial cost?
- Where can I buy FaceFormer®?
- Why are methods based on neuroplasticity, such as FaceFormer® therapy, not more widespread?
- Why is it recommended to replace the FaceFormer® after six months?
- Why you have to bite and swallow during the exercise
- Can children bite off parts of the FaceFormer®?
- Can I also train in supine position?
- Can months of use lead to material fatigue?
- Can the FaceFormer® be worn together with a splint?
- Do I have to follow the instructions exactly when practicing?
- Do I need therapeutic guidance for the FaceFormer® Training?
- Does FaceFormer® training strengthen the lip muscles?
- Dry lips with FaceFormer® application - What helps?
- FaceFormer® application together with Invisalign Retainer splints?
- FaceFormer® Training as a cosmetic application against wrinkle development?
- How do I sterilize the FaceFormer®?
- How do I use FaceFormer® with a blocked nose for cold or hay fever?
- How lasting is the success of the therapy
- How long is daily training?
- How tight should the tip of the tongue touch?
- Is it dangerous to wear the FaceFormer® at night and not be able to breathe through the mouth?
- Is prolonged use of FaceFormer® harmful to children?
- Is the tongue also held in front during sleep?
- My upper lip frenulum rubs against the FaceFormer®. What to do?
- Negative pressure brings jaws together. Am I doing something wrong?
- Nightly use for sleep apnea
- Problem with biting open during FaceFormer training?
- Should the FaceFormer® be cut to size?
- Sore muscles at the back of the head and neck due to FaceFormer® training?
- Stärkt FaceFormer Training die Lippenmuskulatur?
- What to do in case of irritation of oral mucosa or lips?
- Why do I feel some pressure on my front teeth in the morning?
- Why is it recommended to replace the FaceFormer® after six months?
- Why you have to bite and swallow during the exercise
- Wrinkles in the upper lip during training. What am I doing wrong?
- Alle Beiträge anzeigen ( 15 ) Beiträge einfalten
Snoring and Sleep apnea
- Against sleep apnoea FaceFormer or CPAP mask?
- Does the FaceFormer® also work with a flaccid soft palate?
- Does the FaceFormer® help with UARS?
- FaceFormer® at night in addition to CPAP?
- FaceFormer® exercises instead of mandibular advancement splint?
- Is it dangerous to wear the FaceFormer® at night and not be able to breathe through the mouth?
- Is the tongue also held in front during sleep?
- Muscle tension during sleep - Are all muscles flaccid?
- Nightly use for sleep apnea
- Sleep apnoea - Success by regular use of the FaceFormer®?
My upper lip frenulum has grown far downwards. That’s why the FaceFormer rubs me sore at this point. I just don’t want to use scissors or scalpel to enlarge the neckline, because I don’t know whether this produces edges that irritate the sensitive oral mucosa. What can I do?
On the mouth shield (membrane), on one side in the middle, at the level of the lip frenulum, there is a small marked triangle. This is specially designed for cutting out. Please make the cutout as exact as possible with a fine, very sharp pair of scissors. Then the problem should be solved.